Collection: Garnet

  • Root Chakra Activator: Resonates with the Root Chakra, enhancing feelings of security and grounding.
  • Energizing and Regenerating: Revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as needed.
  • Emotional Harmony: Helps in dissolving ingrained behavior patterns that no longer serve and bypasses resistance or self-induced unconscious sabotage.
  • Past-Life Recall: Assists in recalling and utilizing past life information to complete important tasks in this life.
  • Protective Energy: Acts as a shield against negative energies and psychic attacks.
  • Commitment and Devotion: Enhances commitment, devotion, and love in relationships.
  • Success and Self-Confidence: Boosts self-confidence and success in career and personal endeavors.

Today's most loved crystals

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